All submitted abstract will be reviewed by the scientific committee and authors will be notified of the acceptance.
The abstract template as provided:
Guidelines for the VISoS2023 Oral Presentation (via zoom application)
All presenters will do their presentations through live sessions. No pre-recorded presentation is required.
Please join the VISoS 2023 platform at least 15 minutes before each session.
Please plan your presentation and follow the allocated time. Kindly check your presentation slot on the VISoS 2023 website / Program Book. All presenters will have 10 minutes to present their papers and another 5 minutes for a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
Make sure that your computer/laptop/device is compatible with the ZOOM features. We strongly recommend that participants to be familiarised with the ZOOM Application before the event. The infographic on how to use ZOOM is provided on the VISoS 2023 website.
Please ensure that you have good and stable network access. Choose a quiet location to avoid unnecessary disturbances during the presentation.
Kindly mute your audio while other speakers are presenting unless you are invited to speak (i.e. during Q&A sessions). Those who wish to ask questions or give feedback must notify the host of the session.
You are required to turn on your camera during your presentation for better engagement with the audience. All presenters are required to use the official VISoS 2023 virtual background that is available on the VISoS 2023 website.
When your presentation time comes, the session chair will ask you to start presenting. You should click on the ‘share screen’ button and turn on your microphone for the presentation.
We recommend the presentation slides to be in either Microsoft Power Point (.ppt) or Adobe (.pdf) format.
The communication medium of VISoS 2023 is English.
Zoom Guidelines